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Passionate about Design, Artificial Inteligence and Machine learning, I've been programming for over 5 years. Living with passion is what I strictly adhere to. "If you're good at something, never do it for free!" - as trite as that may sound, it's absolutely true. That's why also I philosophize and play the violin. Not for the sole reason that I love these, but it helps me to leave the world behind and escape into a another dimension where I can think in peace.

I love to freeze the moments I enjoy. The art of capturing photos is something that always fascinates me. I am a continuous learner. Learning for me is synonymous with exploring new ideas and growing as an individual. I simply can not imagine life without designing. Through designing I can freely live out my creativity and imagination.

My name is Gökdeniz Gülmez.

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That gradient though

I guess one person can make a difference

The shadow is bigger than the tree

I could do this all day

The odd one out

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are too powerful beyond measure